New Jersey’s public charter schools are changing lives. We want to make sure that policymakers have access to accurate information about our schools.
Here are the facts:
New Jersey’s charter schools are free, public schools that are open to all students. They’re providing more than 60,000 students with the opportunity to pursue their dreams.
Every child learns differently, and every parent deserves to choose the schools that meet their children’s needs. Public charter schools give students more individualized attention and teachers greater flexibility to innovate. While every student can benefit from a public charter school in their community, New Jersey’s charters predominantly serve students and families of color and low income families, with great results. Public charter students are 33% more likely to read at grade level, and 44% more likely to do math at grade level.
Public charter students are deeply underfunded. On average, public charter schools receive approximately $4,000 less per student per year compared to traditional district schools. Charter schools also spend on average $1,500 per year per student on school facilities but receive nothing from the state. Policymakers need to fix this inequity now.